With all that happening we were still able to find out that he developmentally is right on track and we are doing well as parents! Ethan is still in the top of his class for height and head so no surprises there. Most people comment about how tall and skinny he is and I guess they got that right (thank god he didn't get his mom's height).
Weight: 24lbs 13oz 50th percentile
Height: 33inches 90th percentile
Head: 19.25 89th percentile
Ethan's favorite book right now is Bubbles Bubbles. His nickname started out as Frank (from Everyone Loves Raymond) but since he has gotten a haircut it has more appropriately been renamed HURRICANE (thank you to Auntie Kati and Uncle Butter for some original nicknames). My apologies if you stop over to my house and can't find my floor because of everything Ethan has destructed. Sadly I can't deny that his nickname is more than fitting.
32 Week Appointment
My appointment this week was an interesting one as well. I have been retaining lots of water and my blood pressure in the morning and afternoon is right on but after work I am over 140/90. They are keeping a close eye on me because they have also found protein in my urine. What does this all mean? They are trying to keep my from becoming preeclamptic (the extact reason why I was induced with Ethan). The great news was that all my blood work has come back normal so no bedrest is needed for now. I do have to start going in weekly though to get tests done and my water retention looked at. Dr Jenkins promises me that this baby will be coming before 40 weeks and not later.
My measurements were of another concern at this appointment. I am just over 32 weeks but when she measured me, she came up with 38cm so off to an ultrasound on Wednesday to make sure Lil Hoot #2 isn't getting too big. This pregnancy has been exhausting but I can't wait to meet the baby. I have a horrible sinus cold right now and just got over strep throat (who gets strep throat in the summer as an adult? I guess me). Well enought of all this writing and let's get to some pictures... the first pictures are of Ethan at the cabing with his cousins (Josie, Elias, Madeline, Ava, Isabel, Caleb and Aubrey). Then you will get a picutre of me... sorry not cute but remember I am not feeling good and then a few ultrasound pictures of Lil Hoot #2 (these are from the 20 week ultrasound)
Much Love,
Mama Hoot