We had a fun week! Congrats to Monica and Duane for a beautiful wedding last Friday.
Ethan had a great time at his first wedding.
We have also been pretty busy working on ... well see the pictures below :)
Ethan tried green beans for the first time this week and you could probably say they are not his favorite. The night before Josh was hoping that Ethan would hate green beans so that we would never have to eat them as a family.... Josh's wish came true, well not 100% since we will still eat them as a family. I gave him a bite and he gagged and got the chills. I tried it again and it was a repeat- gag and chills. The third bit a just put on his lips becasue the 3rd time is a charm, right? Wrong! He spit them all over me. We were done with green beans for the day. Now I hide them in sweet potatoes and Ethan has now ate a whole container of green beans.
Since dad has to work tonight Ethan and I are going to hit up the races!!! Wish us luck!
Yes the bottom right hand corner is a picture of Ethan's feet because he tipped over when I snapped the picture- had to add it! He is okay just a little scared since it was quite a fall.
Yay! Thursday post and adorable picture collage...I call that success!