Friday, August 24, 2012


My last 6 weeks of this pregnancy have been rough.  Multiple ultrasounds, weekly appointments, urine tests, non stress tests and bloodwork weekly if not biweekly since I was 32 weeks.  I was put on bedrest last Friday since I have consistently have had high blood pressure, protein in my urine and then some bad lab tests.  I was diganosed with mild preeclampsia.  I spent 4 hours in Labor & Delivery on Monday trying to get my blood pressure down to a safe level to send me home.  I was obviously sent home with strict orders to lay on my left side and stay there as much as I can.

This morning I had a full biophysical ultrasound done on the baby and the baby looks great!!!  The stomach is running into the 60th percentile and with that said and my unfortunate luck of preeclampsia.... WE ARE HAVING A BABY BORN ON MONDAY!!!!

This was such great news because I am not made to be on bed rest. Bed rest SUCKS!  God bless the woman that do it more than a week and I wish that upon no one.  Our bags are packed and we are ready to go.

I want to thank a ton of people that have helped Josh, Ethan and I over the past week....
    Thanks to my Aunt Char for the calls and stopping by with lunch, my sisters for picking up Ethan's mess and helping disicpling him when I can't move and Kerri for the magazine and lasgana (we still haven't ate it because I am holding out for the perfect day).  Also a huge thank you to my parents.  My mom came over Tuesday morning and cleaned my house, did my laundry and motivated Josh to help too!!  They also have just stopped over numerous times to take Ethan out shopping and brought over lunch and dinner so many times.  Thank you for the numerous phone calls from my friends and family to check on me and to keep me occupied.  I am truly blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life. 

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