Monday, March 7, 2011

Quick Update!

We had our 36 week appointment today and this appointment was a little different than all the rest.  The doctor now starts to check dialation and we went over the results of the ultrasound. 

Lil Hoot is a big baby... we heard that a few times today.  Lil Hoot is currently in the 89th percentile for weight and the head is the measuring to be the largest part of the baby at this point (I close my eyes and say a few prayers... please join me).

My doctor will not change my due date but hopes that I have this baby sometime by next week.  Originally she was hoping for a baby at 38 weeks but now she would be ready for the baby at 37 weeks and I am with her on that.  Today I am measuring at 39cm and have gained a good amount of weight but nothing to be concerned with... I am carrying a large baby. 

So am I dialated?  Nope not yet but who knows maybe her checking me today triggered something.  Fingers crossed! 

I just want to quick throw out a huge thank you to many friends and family for a beautiful shower this weekend.  I will blog about that as well but the doctor said I was looking quite pale today so I am instructed to get some sleep... off to lay down!

Much Love,
Mama Hoot

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