I am trying to get back into the swing of things and after a weekend in Chicago for a wedding and Ethan at the cabin I think I am finally into a groove and going to try to get back on this blog train. So in the next week I am going to try to get you updated on my last 10 weeks since yes Ethan is 10 weeks today!!!
March 20, 2011: I went to work today thinking it was going to be like any other day at work… wrong! Today I was more swollen than I had ever been and a co-worker of mine, Mia, told me that she would not let me continue to work because she thought I was putting myself and baby at risk. I kinda laughed at her and called my mom who agreed that if I was more swollen than I had been I needed to leave work. I wrapped my things and called Josh and told him to call the hotline number and tell them what was going on and get their opinion. I walked in the door and Josh said they told him to bring me in. I didn’t really believe it so I called myself and sure enough they told me to get to the ER ASAP. So I decided to take a bath and relax and attempt to shave (attempt is the key word). I ate some rice and drank some water and then decided we could go. I was rushed to labor and delivery where they took my vitals. Yep something was wrong. My blood pressure was around 150/90 and there was protein in my urine… I had pre-eclampsia. TIME TO INDUCE! Overnight I was feeling better but my contractions started and they were 4-5 minutes apart… I got no sleep.
March 21, 2011: This morning the nurse came in and said that since my blood pressure was starting to go down they would probably not give me the pitocin and send me home…. WHAT!!!! OH HECK NO I WAS NOT GOING HOME!!!! She checked me again and I wasn’t dilated much more than 3 still so she said she would be back shortly to check my blood pressure 1 more time. She came back and my blood pressure was back up and…… my water broke!!!!! I was not going home!! Around dinner time I was ready to start pushing. Thank god for my mom and Josh in the room I would not have been able to do that alone. Grab my legs??? Yeah right! More like Mom and Josh grab my legs! I pushed for over 2 and a half hours until the doctor came back in and said I was going to need even a little more help. So he pulled out some forceps… yeeks! With a few more pushes and some forceps my little cone headed baby was born at 9:19pm.
Ethan Arlen Flom (our Lil Hoot) was 8 lbs 6 oz 21 inches long and healthy as can be!
Thank god for: Josh, my Mom, epidurals, the button to give me more medicine, forceps, the St Francis nurses, Dr Druckman, our family that so patiently waited in the waiting room and for my little bundle of joy Ethan Arlen Flom!!!
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