Friday, October 22, 2010

Random Thoughts.

For those of you that know me very well, know that I don't normally hold things back.  What I mean is that I am very open and very comfortable talking about the things most find very embarrassing.  Not only do I talk about embarrassing things but sometimes I show them too (no worries there will be not pictures in this post).  

So here are a few of my thoughts from the past week (I am now 17 weeks):

1.  I am tempted to color (aka tattoo) my current stretchmarks red.  Those stretch marks are from my college days of gaining weight.  This way after the baby comes I can color the new stretchmarks purple so that way I know which I did to myself and which the Lil Hoot gave me.  Isn't great to be able to show your child what you have done for them?  I am  hoping by the time we are done having kids my stomach will look like a tie dye shirt.

2. I have been experiencing the oddest feeling that starts in my belly button and travels down to my lower region.  Not sure what is going on but it isn't pleasant and I would appreciate it if it went away. 

3. My stomach itches like no other!!  I have recently washed most of my clothes thinking someone had put itching powder in my shirts.  I can't stop itching!!  I am sure it is my skin expanding but again it isn't pleasant for me and I am sure it isn't pleasant for people to watch me itch myself all day long... sorry for those who have to work with me. 

4. Constipation still SUCKS!

5.  My house is full of steps. I can't breathe.  Steps don't help.  It's not going to get better. I hate my house.

6.  My skin is extremely sensitive.  I find that when I take even a cool shower I step out and see myself in the mirror and find that I look like a giant- walking- talking (yes I talk to myself a lot these days) CHERRY.  I am bright red.... ALL THE TIME!

7.  Ask before you touch!!  You would think this was directed towards Mr. Hoot but no he has been good.  This is directed towards the people I have no clue who you are and feel the need to touch me.  Please stop.  Even if I know you please still ask before you touch! 

Those are just a few of my random thoughts for now.  I am sure more will come up along the way since I am not even half way through.  Hope you all have a fun and safe weekend!!  We have an appointment on Monday to check on our Lil Hoot- I will update again after that.


  1. I itched ALL the of the beauties of pregnancy.

    Embrace the steps...they don't call it "labor" for nothing!

  2. Oops, I'm Guilty! I didn't ask before I touched in the Target Parking Lot...Please Forgive Me...Owl remember to use my Manners next time...Your little hoot is just so cute! :0)

  3. Kassi, if you have not tried Basis soap for sensitive skin, find some and try it. I have used it for years to prevent itchy skin. Wal-mart usually has it the cheapest, but it is not with the normal bath or hand soaps. Ask an associate there. Never use too hot a water temp. on any skin, it sucks the oils right out.
